Is our future predetermined?
Dr. Bradford Skow, Philosophy Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, presented a new theory of time, which suggests that the past, present and future coexist. The difference is that the present does not constitute a "display of time" but a "temporarily dispersed" state.
With this in view, ARTos Foundation designed and introduced the project "Mellon”, which consisted of a series of selected presentations, by distinguished experts in the design of actions in the fields of: 'Future Museum', 'Future Cities', 'Post Humanoid', as well as the fields of Arts & Sciences.
The launch of the program was marked by the action ‘Post-Humanoid’ with the famous artist Stelarc; 10 years after his first collaboration with ARTos Foundation. The artist will gave a Lecture/Presentation focused on the subject of the ‘Post-Humanoid’ through a theoretical and practical approach, as analysed and developed in his artwork and research and followed by a demonstration of his ‘Second Life’ site.
Following the launch of MELLON with ‘Post-Humanoid with Stelarc”, our programme actions continued with the lecture ‘Future Museum with Chris Dercon’
The lectured focused on reevaluating what kind of space the museum can and should be, to think of a new form of museum architecture that isn’t just architecture, but is also about new organizational and financial models.
The series closed with the lecture ‘Future Cities with Gerfried Stocker, with focal point the idea behind the term Postcity and the need to think the city beyond infrastructure and to put the citizens into the center of the future developments. How can architecture, urban planning and policy making respond to these needs and what is the role of art to design this future?